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Families Experiencing Homelessness

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Student Support Contact Information

If you are in need of assistance or information regarding your family’s eligibility under the McKinney-Vento Act, please contact the district’s Homeless Liaison.

GJPS Liaison for Homeless Education and
Foster-Placed Youth

Jennifer Korn
District Student Services Coordinator
(614) 479-1306

State Coordinator for Homeless Education
Susannah Wayland
State Homeless Education Coordinator
(614) 387-7725

GJPS Student Mental Health Services
Bill Mitchell
Coordinator of Mental Health and Well-being
(614) 479-1322

Services for Identified Students Experiencing Homelessness

Authorized under Federal law through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act, Gahanna-Jefferson Public Schools provides services to ensure that identified children and youth experiencing homelessness have access to a free and appropriate public education by removing barriers due to homelessness.

GJPS can assist with school selection and enrollment, school transportation, health and wellness checks, and by addressing barriers that affect school enrollment, attendance and full participation. Youth who qualify under the McKinney-Vento Act are individuals who, due to a loss of home, economic hardship, or similar reason, lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.